Stewardship is a key part of fulfilling the mission God has given us as a church. We believe there will always be more vision than resource, but we consistently see God miraculously multiply the resource we have for His purposes. Click below to see our annual report from 2023 and celebrate with us all that God did through this house!


As we continue to grow and look to the days ahead, we prepare ourselves for those who are yet to come. Heaven and hell are realities, and as long as there are lost people in our city, we have a mandate to reach them. With that in mind, we have FOUR INITIATIVES we’re focusing on as we move into a new year:


The open door into Beachside High School has been a tremendous blessing for our church. Our relationship with the school, faculty, and St Johns County School District is healthy and strong. However, it’s never too early to prepare ourselves for the next step. That way, when God opens the door of opportunity, we’ll be financially ready to follow Him. Our prayers are that one day God will provide us with land to build – or a building to purchase and renovate – in St Johns County. A long-term home with enough room for adult, student, and children’s spaces, as well as areas for groups, discipleship classes, and local outreach opportunities.


With a church name like “Legacy,” we’re committed to a strong, intentional focus on the next generation. Multiple opportunities in the coming year, such as Youth Camp, Vacation Bible School, Missions Trips, and special events allow for spiritual growth in our Legacy House children and students, as well as for other families in our community that we invite to these activities. We also want to make sure that no family must ever decline an invitation to participate simply because of the financial cost. It’s our heart to create enough financial reserve so that we can sponsor any child or student who needs assistance to participate in these life changing and spiritual growth opportunities.


We’ve been blessed to be able to send people, teams, and manpower to serve at different faith-based local outreach organizations this past year.  However, moving forward, we don’t just want to send people, we want to also send financial support. There are several great organizations in our city that are feeding the homeless, caring for single mothers, serving the poor, and providing help and assistance to those who need it in a variety of areas. We want to be a financial partner and resource for some of these organizations in our own backyard. As God blesses our church with financial growth, we refuse to simply hoard it. Our heart is to partner with others doing kingdom work in the community.


Our staff is an incredible, hardworking, faithful team. As we grow as a church, we understand that our staff must grow as well to adequately facilitate and minister to the people that call Legacy House “home.” We desire to have the financial means to expand and hire the right team members as soon as God opens those doors. Our heart will always be to findskilled, like-spirited, faithful individuals who can join our staff, to help us achieve God’s vision for us, and more effectively minister to and care for people.